Where do misconceptions about Africa come from?

We’re back!  We pulled a disappearing act for a while there, but fear not, we did not quit! We’re way too passionate about this to do that.

Thankfully, we have the next 3 podcasts already recorded so there will not be another long hiatus.

In this podcast, we dig deeper into the misconceptions about Africa.

We begin with a short discussion on Justine Sacco.

Remember her? When we recorded this podcast, the now forgotten unfortunate woman had just made her infamous comments. We  spend the first few minutes giving our take on the whole saga, which turns out to be the perfect segue for our main topic…

Where did the concept of Africa as a country come from?

Because it's NOT a country (in case you forgot :) )

Because it’s NOT a country (in case you forgot 🙂 )

Specifically, we address the difficulty of recording history in pre-colonial Africa and the role of colonialism in shaping the single African story.

Click here to download (right click and save as) .  If you haven’t subscribed on Itunes yet, be sure to do that as well! 

On the next podcast, we’ll discuss why misconceptions about Africa are prevalent even in our information age.

Enjoy, and as always, comments and feedback are most welcome!


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Welcome to our Africa

In which we introduce ourselves, our goals and hopes for this, and explain the irrelevance of telling your Kenyan friend you know someone from Nigeria. What is this exactly? It’s a blog. It’s a podcast. It’s Africa Untold.

Click here to download (right click and save as)

or here to get it on iTunes

This has been an idea for a long time, and we’re finally putting it out there for the whole world. It’s scary and it’s exciting and it’s new, so please let us know what you think!

For example, Caroline needs to stop saying “like” and “you know” so much.  You guys have lived abroad for ever – you have no idea what you’re saying.

Criticism of the latter kind is welcome, as long as it’s constructive: Please educate us so we can do better. We’re not claiming to be authorities on the continent, or even on our country – that would take a lifetime of education.  We’re just two third culture kids looking to tell stories – ours and yours – that shed light on an Africa untold.  In the process we’ll learn and grow, and hopefully you guys will learn and grow with us as well.

~Aisha and Caroline

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